Blood Vessels Segmentation in Retinal Fundus Image using Hybrid Method of Frangi Filter, Otsu Thresholding and Morphology


Diagnosis of computer-based retinopathic hypertension is done by analyzing of retinal images. The analysis is carried out through various stages, one of which is blood vessel segmentation in retinal images. Vascular segmentation of the retina is a complex problem. This is caused by non-uniform lighting, contrast variations and the presence of abnormalities due to disease. This makes segmentation not successful if it only relies on one method. The aims of this study to segment blood vessels in retinal images. The method used is divided into three stages, namely preprocessing, segmentation and testing. The first stage, preprocessing, is to improve image quality with the CLAHE method and the median filter on the green channel image. The second stage, segmenting using a number of methods, namely, frangi filter, 2D-convolution filtering, median filtering, otsu's thresholding, morphology operation, and background subtraction. The last step is testing the system using the DRIVE and STARE dataset. The test results obtained sensitivity 91.187% performance parameters, 86.896% specificity, and area under the curve (AUC) 89.041%. Referring to the performance produced, the proposed model can be used as an alternative for blood vessel segmentation of retinal images.

Authors and Affiliations

Wiharto Wiharto, YS. Palgunadi


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  • EP ID EP596831
  • DOI 10.14569/IJACSA.2019.0100654
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How To Cite

Wiharto Wiharto, YS. Palgunadi (2019). Blood Vessels Segmentation in Retinal Fundus Image using Hybrid Method of Frangi Filter, Otsu Thresholding and Morphology. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science & Applications, 10(6), 417-422.