Body composition and anaerobic power of girls
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 34
Purpose of the paper. The aim of the study was to determine the kinetics and dynamics of the progression of results during the tests of vertical jump and power of lower extremities (P) in girls aged 8-15 with regard to changes in their basic body parts.Material and methods. The results collected about 167 girls were evaluated during an 8-year continuous research. They concerned the parameters of height, body mass, fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM), as well as the indices of body mass (BMI) as well as those of fat mass (FMI) and fat-free mass index (FFMI), which like BMI, eliminate the effect of the body size. At the same time, the results of the vertical jump were recorded, because they were a factor when calculating the power of lower extremities. The Hattori chart illustrates an interrelation occurring between FFMI, FMI, BMI and fat percentage (PF%) in the body mass. Developmental standards of the above-mentioned parameters were analysed. Statistically significant differences between the consecutive results of P were verified by means of ANOVA with a repetitive measurement. The following co-variates were taken into account: body height and mass, FFM, FM, BMI, FFMI as well as FMI.Results and conclusions. A marked development of P caused mainly by the time factor was found. An introduction of the above-mentioned co-variates to the variability analysis did not modify this natural relationship in a significant way. During the examined period of ontogenesis an intensive increment of fat mass index in the 8-11 period was observed, whereas an increasing size of fat free mass index appeared in the 11-13 age bracket, and then (between 13-15 years) a renewed quick increase of fat mass occurred. The variability of FMI and FFMI had an effect on the course of BMI and PF% development. The results of our research were substantially convergent with populational norms. The results of vertical jump and P should be considered in the aspect of the moment when growth spurt occurs. The specificity of every motor ability also requires a relative evaluation not according to the morphological age (its mean values) but according to the specific motor predispositions of the subject.
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Sterkowicz
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