Bóg Jest Poetą… W poszukiwaniu sacrum we współczesnej poezji
Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue
In contemporary Polish poetry of the sacred becomes present in various forms - it is not the goal of this paper to discuss all of them. The focus of interest is the journey into the world of poetry, in which fascination with God, the Holy Book of Revelation, the mystery of the Redemption, takes shape of a literary form. The author presents five poets whose works refer to the world of the sacred: E. Stachura, J. Hartwig, Z. Herbert, E. Bryll, and W. Wencel. In all the analyzed texts the transposition of the sacrum takes place (to different extent), which builds a new meaning, a new poetic world into which the lyrical subject introduces both a believer and atheist. In the five poetic utterances, which are the subject of my research, the authors launch search for God rather than present their belief or unbelief in Him.
Authors and Affiliations
Stefan Radziszewski
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