Antyewangelizacja i ewangelizacja w świetle Mt 28,11-20
Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue
The paper presents a synchronic analysis of two pericopes of the Gospel according to St. Matthew - 22:11-15 and 28:16-20. Standing in contrast to each other, the two pericopes constitute a diptych. It is the juxtaposition of the two fragments, enabling to highlight their opposing elements, that allows for such a thesis. The pericope of Mt 28:11-15 presents a mission which can be called anti-evangelization. The mission lacks supernatural character. It originates in Jerusalem which loses its unique status of the holy city. The senders (chief priests and elders) invoke earthly authorities. Moreover, the earthly character of the mission is proved by what was intended to drive it - money and connections. The essence of its teaching is summarized in the quote: "His disciples came during the night and stole him away" (28:13). It is self-contradictory in many ways, therefore the anti-evangelization mission is doomed to failure. It involves only Jews. Moreover, it is limited in time. On the contrary, the second mission = evangelization - is of supernatural character. It originates on a mountain in Galilee. Here the sender is Jesus whose presence until the end of the world will be its dynamic force. The evangelization also has a broader scope than anti-evangelization. It is showed among others by the scope of disciples' activities: on their way they are to make disciples, baptize, and teach to obey all words of the Lord, i.e. to teach the way of life. Finally, the addressees of the mission are all nations. Comparing both pericopes clearly shows which mission is to lead and which will be successful.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Siemieniec
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