[b]Profiles with Coanda effect, necessaries to wind turbines[/b]
Journal Title: INCAS BULLETIN - Year 2010, Vol 2, Issue 4
The air flow separation around profiles and the wind turbine rotor vibration leading to the blade breaking is a well known phenomenon based on which the present work is conceived. The paper is focused on theoretic and experimental researches effectuated on any profiles with Coanda effect, which are followed with the patenting of three similar profiles. In the frame of theoretical researches the molecular attraction forces of adhesion and cohesion in the numerical integration of viscous fluid flow around a breaking plate even to the angle of 45[sup]o[/sup] are introduced, highlighting the advantageous Henri Coanda effect. The experimental researches are effectuated on a profile with Coanda effect, measuring with a two-component strain gauge balance the lift and aerodynamic drag forces for different profile attack angle, highlighting the increasing of the attack angle from the usual value of 11[sup]o[/sup] to over the 27[sup]o[/sup] for that profile when the flow separation takes place.
Authors and Affiliations
Mircea Dimitrie CAZACU, Mireille Sorina ANGHEL
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