Brief remarks on Constitutional Court and Politics in Italy
Journal Title: Studi polacco-italiani di Toruń / Toruńskie studia polsko-włoskie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
The relationship between the Court and politics is apparent from the use of certain types of judgment and procedural instrument. The fact that the Court has equipped itself with increasingly refined and far-reaching jurisprudential techniques over the years is evidence of the Court’s growing encroachment into areas that were traditionally regarded as being the exclusive domain of politics. By the judgments that are normally regarded as the most invasive by politics, namely interpretative rulings in general, the Court has often altered or even created substantive law, in some cases improperly.
Authors and Affiliations
Gabriella Mangione
Brief remarks on Constitutional Court and Politics in Italy
The relationship between the Court and politics is apparent from the use of certain types of judgment and procedural instrument. The fact that the Court has equipped itself with increasingly refined and far-reaching juri...
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