Brodawczak odwrócony nosa i zatok przynosowych leczony endoskopowo w materiale Klinicznego Oddziału Otolaryngologicznego 4 Wojskowego Szpitala Klinicznego z Polikliniką we Wrocławiu w latach 2006–2008
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 7
The aim of presented work is analysis of the inverted papilloma cases treated by endoscopic surgery between years 2006 and 2008. Within this period there were 180 surgeries, out of which 11 patients were diagnosed with papilloma inversum in the histopatological test of irradiated tissue. Symptoms reported by the patients, tumor loci, scope of the surgery and its effi ciency are described and analyzed. The arguments supporting endoscopic surgery as a treatment modality for inverted papilloma are presented.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Kotulska-Kliś, Emilia Jaśkiewicz-Burnejko
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