Broken democracy, predatory state and nationalist populism (part 2)
Journal Title: Athenaeum. Polskie Studia Politologiczne - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 52
The main aim of the article is to try to analyze the functioning of Victor Orbán’s regime in Hungary in the period from 2010. Analyses oscillate between considering issues such as the development of democracy in Hungary after 1990, history and background of functioning of the Fidesz party, and the course of Orbán’s exercise of power. In the paper, the reasons behind the taking of power by Fidesz party were analyzed by taking into account the specifics of Hungarian democratic experience after 1989, processes of state’s reforms and economic crises. Th e article ends with the analysis of five pillars of Victor Orbán’s policies.
Authors and Affiliations
Andras Bazóki
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