Brucella spondylodiscitis: Multifocal involvement in thoracic and lumbar areas; a rare case
Journal Title: Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 3
Brucellosis is a zoonosis that can affect many organs or systems. Musculoskeletal system is the most commonly affected site in brucellosis and the frequency of musculoskeletal system involvement varies between 2% and 53%. Multifocal spinal involvement is rare. Here, it was aimed to present our case with brucellar spondylodiscitis involving the thoracic and lumbar regions simultaneously. MRI is a useful imaging method in the diagnosis of multifocal spinal infection caused by brucellosis. Especially in endemic regions, at least two serological tests should be used in the diagnosis of brucellosis. Brucellosis should be absolutely kept in mind for the differential diagnosis of the elderly patients with complaint of longstanding thoracic and back pain in the regions where brucellosis is endemic. J Microbiol Infect Dis 2015;5(3):129-132 Key words: Brucellosis, spinal infection, spondylodiscitis.
Authors and Affiliations
Pınar Korkmaz, Zeki Ataizi, Figen Çevik, Nevil Aykın, Hakkı Güldüren, Yeşim Alpay, Gülay Şimşek
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