The aim of the article is to characterize the keywords referring to the image of Africa
in “The Continents” magazine (“Kontynenty”). The introduction describes a manifesto of
Kenyan intellectual Kenneth Binyavanga Wainai...
In Culture and Imperialism Edward Said introduces contrapuntal reading as a method
of analysis capable of overcoming the ethnocentrism of writers and literary audience.
His approach, especially the interpretation of Aust...
The article presents the most important research perspective regarding women’s and
girls’ diary writing in English, French and Polish. The analysis discusses major works on
the women’s autobiographical writing, monograph...
The cause to write an article was a question how to examine emotions which are of
spatial nature. While the colloquial language copes with “spatiality” of feelings – it knows
emotions and calls them (mood, atmosphere, cl...
EP ID EP187932
Views 67
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How To Cite
(2016). Brzozowski – nasz współczesny? Dyskusja o książce Andrzeja Mencwela Stanisław Brzozowski. Postawa krytyczna. Wiek XX. Przegląd Humanistyczny, 60(1),
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