[b]The Legal Situation of Parties to a Franchise Agreement after Termination[/b]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 1
Quite a lot of emphasis has been placed in the research on franchise arrangements as a form of cooperation between entrepreneurs, as well as on franchise agreements that constitute the framework for such cooperation. This topic is not addressed in economic literature and not fully covered in the legal one; it is mostly interesting due to the legal relationship of the parties after the termination of cooperation. To a large extent, the franchise agreement uses the principle of freedom of parties to define the terms of contract. This makes the effects of a termination not always easy to specify. Knowledge of this subject might contribute to such formation of the rights and obligations of parties, where many situations are predicted. Therefore, the article provides description of the franchise agreement, the effects of the franchise termination, the recipient’s obligations of confidentiality, non-competition clauses after the franchise termination and the possible ways of termination of contract and settlement between the parties.The article outlines the problems surrounding the termination of franchise agreement, albeit only in its simplest forms. The wide variety of franchise agreements and circumstances of parties leads to a wide variety of specific legal situations. The author proposes a number of solutions that can be used within the franchising agreements to regulate the matter of effects of the termination of franchising relationship.To summarize, the legal situation of the parties after the franchise termination is a difficult subject and is not adequately grounded in clear legal regulations.
Authors and Affiliations
Martyna Rykaczewska
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