Here is considered the problem of forced oscilation of spherical gas-bubble in viscous noncompressible
Fluid. The nonlinear equation of oscilation of single bubble is obtained. The primary and secondary resonances are
In the paper we consider a problem of oscillations of rotation with certain nonsummable coefficients. Under
certain conditions on the coefficients the smoothness of generalized waveforms in the introduced special weight...
The system of equations describing deformation of two–phase media on account of variation of temperature
is derived. The linear dispersion equation is obtained and its solution is find. The cases when temperatures of
EP ID EP649180
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S. I. Boyarchenko (1981). Buckling of an elastic plate non-homogeneous in thickness.. Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա, 34(2),
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On nonlinear Pulsation of spherical Gas-bubble in noncompressible Fluid
Here is considered the problem of forced oscilation of spherical gas-bubble in viscous noncompressible Fluid. The nonlinear equation of oscilation of single bubble is obtained. The primary and secondary resonances are in...
Optimal cavitiesin elastic space with axial symmetry.
The smoothness of generalized waveforms for the problem of rotation of the shell oscillations depending on certain nonsummable coefficients
In the paper we consider a problem of oscillations of rotation with certain nonsummable coefficients. Under certain conditions on the coefficients the smoothness of generalized waveforms in the introduced special weight...
Optimal design of the compressed cylyndrical shell from composite material under restrictions on stability and strength.
The linear wave in media of a Bio taken account the temperature effect
The system of equations describing deformation of two–phase media on account of variation of temperature is derived. The linear dispersion equation is obtained and its solution is find. The cases when temperatures of pha...