Building of Effective Systems of Economic Control in Housing and Communal Services in the Conditions of Transformation of the General Principles of Management in the Industry
Journal Title: Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки. - Year 2018, Vol 33, Issue
The purpose of this article is to summarize the main goals and tasks of management in the housing sector, to formulate on their basis the modern management principles in researched industry, as well as to identify the influence of general management principles in the housing sector on building effective systems of economic control at the enterprises of the studied sector. In the article the aggregative units of general and special objectives and goals of management in the housing sector are systemized. On the basis of this summarizing, general principles of management in the studied industry that should be at the core of building an effective system of economic control, as a function of management, were formulated. It was also systematized the main factors that influence on the systematic and complex management and should be taken into account when constructing effective systems of economic control in the housing sector, with the goal orientation of such systems in providing control in the interests of consumers of utility services. The article discloses exclusively general principles of management in the housing and communal services aimed at solving management tasks in the conditions of the transformational economy that are equally fair for other branches of the national economy. It was concluded that when using the principles of focus, systematic and complexity to build effective systems of economic control in the housing sector, scientists should apply other than planning-directive, sense. This sense consists on the direction of the management on the needs of consumers of housing and communal services, with maximum consideration of such factors as: the number and structure of consumers of public services; the volumes of consumption of utilities; the organizational-technological peculiarities of performers of housing and communal services. It has also been proved that the decisive condition for building effective systems of economic control in housing and communal services is the formulation by scientists of special goals and management tasks stemming from sectorial peculiarities, which in turn significantly affect the nature of social and economic relations in the communal sphere.
Authors and Affiliations
Oleksandr Holovchenko, Nataliia Holovchenko
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