Bulgarian Names of Domestic Animals in the Balkan Peninsula and Their Correspondences in the Scientific Literature
Journal Title: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue
The names of twenty-two domestic forms and their wild progenitors of birds and mammals are given in three languages –Bulgarian, English and Russian, as well as their scientific Latin names. The names of some species of wild mammals, which are often mistakenly referred to in the Bulgarian language literature, are also given, along with the separate names of their adult male, female and juvenile (young) individuals.
Authors and Affiliations
Zlatozar Boev
Psocoptera Records from the City of Plovdiv
After this study a total of six species from four families of Psocoptera were known from the city of Plovdiv. Original data was provided on five species – four new records and one recollected from a new locality. The spe...
Fossil records of Rhinoceroses (Rhinocerotoidea Gray, 1821), Chalicotheres (Chalicotherioidea Gill, 1872) and Brontotheres (Brontotherioidea (Marsh,1873) (Peryssodactyla Owen, 1848 -Mammalia Linnaeus, 1758) in Bulgaria
The fossil record of the Rhinoceroses, Chalicotheres and Brontotheres in Bulgaria covers 34 taxa from a total of 53 localities dated from the Oligocene to the Late Pleistocene: Rhinocerotoidea (27 taxa)...
Професор д.б.н. Павел Ангелов на 85 години
Professor Pavel Angelov at 85 years of age.
Проучване на видовия състав на комарите от семейство Culicidae в град Пловдив
Mosquitoes are found in almost all geographic areas. They are one of the most important epidemiological insects. They are vectors of more than 50 viral and bacterial infections and infestations. With the addition of Cule...
Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Aphidiinae) of the Agro-ecosystems at the Experimental Fields of Plovdiv City
Eleven Aphidiide genera and 23 species from 197 aphidiid taxa were identified. Five species of them are new to the Bulgarian fauna. In this paper a total of 32 plant - aphid - parasitoid associations are reported.