Професор д.б.н. Павел Ангелов на 85 години
Journal Title: Bulletin of the Natural History Museum – Plovdiv - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue
Professor Pavel Angelov at 85 years of age.
Authors and Affiliations
Dimitar Bechev
Professor Pavel Angelov at 85 years of age.
Dimitar Bechev
Reports of Caecilius fuscopterus (Latreille, 1799) and Lachesilla quercus (Kolbe, 1880) in Bulgaria with some Additional Barkfly Records (Insecta: Psocoptera)
First records of Caecilius fuscopterus and Lachesilla quercus, and second records of Neopsocus rhenanus, Psocus bipunctatus, Cuneopalpus cyanops were reported. The species Ectopsocus briggsis was found close to a previou...
Андон Даракчиев (1934–2018) - In Memoriam
Andon Darakchiev (1934–2018) - In Memoriam
Subfossil Fauna from “Forum Serdica” (Sofia City, Bulgaria) of Antiquity (2nd –4th century AD) and Ottoman Epoch (15th –18th century AD) (Excavations 2017)
Third year of excavations of “Forum Serdica” (Sofia City; 2017) provided new abundant (10 564 finds) animal remains of 44 taxa: 1 mollusk, 3 bony fish, 15 birds and 25 mammals, one of them (Aurochs) extinct. Domestic cat...
Review of species of the phylum Acanthocephalarecorded from the Region of Plovdiv City
A review of acanthocephalan species recorded from the region of Plovdiv City. A total of 11 species were reported: 3 from fish, 1 from amphibians, 6 from birds and 1 from mammals;3 species has been identified at the gene...
Species Composition, Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics of Ixodidae Ticks Invaded Pasture Animals in the Region of Plovdiv City
Based on literary data and our own research, it was found out that there are 11 species of ixodid ticks that parasitise in pasture animals in the region of Plovdiv City. Their distribution, biological features and ecolog...