Business simulation games as method of professional self-actualization need formation among students


The article represents generalized results of research devoted to the search of new forms, methods and tools of competitive future specialists training. It is the authors’ opinion that competitiveness of a specialist is achieved by combination of cognitive, motivation, entrepreneurial and integration al qualities of a personality, i.e. a specialist must be a self-actualizing person. The analysis of works of contemporary scholars, models and forms of instruction prompts suggestions that modern period of education advancement can be characterized by intensive search of innovations in theory and practice of professional education and training. In this framework such qualities of students as innovativeness, activeness and interactivity are becoming relevant. The authors are of the opinion that contemporary pedagogical practice in university educations hould be based on interactive training. Implementation of innovative forms of training promote formation of abilities to understand and cope with new and unusual situation among students, anticipate events and evaluate decisions results, target to the future and educe community-mindedness of students, accustom them to participate in activities of great importance. These innovative methods influence on students’ abilities to resolve at global and local levels and in general make them be self-starters. It follows that a university lecturers hould extend his / her personal educational paradigms that will benefit to head pedagogical activities to ward formation of the demand of professional self-actualization among students, it will also encourage students’ professional competency and will influence the development of their motivational, personal, business and integrative qualities. There search also represents the content and methodology of professional simulation games “Applicant” and “Force Majeure Circumstances” delivery that were drafted, developed and tested in 2016–2018. The content and methodology of the conduct of authors’ business games “The Challenger” and “Force Major”, which were developed and tested during 2016–18. According to the results of content analysis, the authors testify that professional simulation games inspire development of basic features of self-actualization of personality; therefore, they are essential in the training of modern specialist in educational institutions of higher education

Authors and Affiliations

М. А. Дергач, О. В. Порада


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How To Cite

М. А. Дергач, О. В. Порада (2018). Business simulation games as method of professional self-actualization need formation among students. Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 5 Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи, 64(), 68-72.