"Byle do przerwy..." Etnograficzne badania zachowań ludycznych towarzyszących pracy pracowników fizycznych
Journal Title: Zabawy i Zabawki. Studia Antropologiczne - Year 2017, Vol 15, Issue
We usually perceive fun and work as categories opposing one another. However, everyday observations confirm that carnivalesque behaviours are not always only realized during the leisure or holiday time. They also accompany professional activity. I will illustrate my considerations on the issue of fun and entertainment at work with the use of commentaries of representatives of various professions, obtained during my field research. While searching for „carnivalesque elements” in the sphere of professional activity of the respondents I will take a closer look at, among others, methods of using breaks during work time, specific for individual professions staff rituals, various forms of company celebrations, presence of areas within the premises of companies designated for realization of fun-related activities and carnivalesque aspects of employees’ participation in different work-related meetings and trips.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Szalbot
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