Calculation algorithm of volume of adsorptive heat storage device for decentralized space heating system
Journal Title: Комп’ютерне моделювання: аналіз, управління, оптимізація - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 2
The work is devoted to the development of an efficient algorithm for calculating the volume of the adsorptive thermal energy storage device for a decentralized heating system in a private house. The following computation procedure is proposed to include: calculation of thermal load for heating involving the determination of thermal losses through external fences, thermal losses due to infiltration and internal heat dissipation, the reckoning of maximal adsorption, adsorption heat, determination of adsorbent mass and adsorbent volume. The maximal adsorption value is suggested to be calculated by the characteristics of the sorbent, or in the absence of data for a composite adsorbent, as a linear superposition for a mechanical mixture. The adsorbent mass is estimated as a ratio of a thermal load for heating and adsorption heat. The adsorbent volume is calculated as quotient of mass and density of adsorbent. An evaluative calculation of the heat load for a private house was carried out by the proposed algorithm, and the optimal composition of the composite adsorbents ‘silica gel–sodium sulfate’ and ‘silica gel–sodium acetate’ being determined according to the minimal volume of the layer of heat storage material. Both the lowest volume values and the highest efficiency of a composite adsorbents with a mass ratio of silica gel and Na2SO4 or CH3COONa 20: 80 are explained by the maximum value of adsorption heat. Optimal construction and operating characteristics of adsorptive heat storage device were determined by the proposed algorithm. The relative degree of humidity of vapor-air flow is suggested to be 50–60%. Having taken into account optimal values of vapor-air flow rate w<0.6 m/s, it is advisable to apply heights of adsorbent layer in the range from 0.25 m to 0.5 m.
Authors and Affiliations
К. М. Сухий, О. В. Коломієць, О. М. Прокопенко, А. В. Гаврилко, О. А. Бєляновська
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