Can Socio-Cultural Context Affect Experimental Results?… The Case of the Zimbardo Prison Experiment Repeated in Poland by Artur Żmijewski


The famous Phillip Zimbardo’s study (1971), known as the Stanford Prison Experiment, was repeated some ten years ago in Poland by Artur Żmijewski, a video artist. His findings deserve the attention of social psychologists doing experimental research. The video released by Żmijewski in 2005 shows that his action ended with a completely different outcome than that of the original experiment: the participants themselves decided to stop it. The difference may have been a consequence of the artist’s unconcern about full conformity with the methodological rules the academics consider necessary to follow in conducting experiments. However, the impact of a particular socio-cultural context provides another plausible explanation of why Żmijewski’s results depart from those obtained in the original study. Polish culture differs in a number of dimensions from the culture that was taken for granted by Zimbardo in creating the Stanford experimental setting and informed his interpretation of the results obtained therein. This note offers an account of Żmijewski’s project, as well as an explanation of its results in terms of cross-national comparisons. The author’s aim is to provoke more discussion on the role of socio-cultural context in experimental research.

Authors and Affiliations

Iza Desperak


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How To Cite

Iza Desperak (2016). Can Socio-Cultural Context Affect Experimental Results?… The Case of the Zimbardo Prison Experiment Repeated in Poland by Artur Żmijewski. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Sociologica, 0(1), 107-116.