Can the prohibiton of age discrimination balance the labour market?
Journal Title: Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały - Year 2018, Vol 22, Issue 1
Exploring new directions in labour law has been a common topic for decades because finding new solutions to existing legal and economic problems is always needed. Both the labour market and its regulation are changing, so new ways are being sought regarding eff ectiveness. Th e traditional toolkit of labour law also carries some answers, for example, the direct connection to the toolkits of Human Resources Management (HRM) but these mostly non-legal instruments can lead to further contradictions related to the legal relationship of the employer and the employee. The analysis is focused on the requirement of equal treatment, especially on the prohibition of age discrimination. We think that the structure of the labour market is highly aff ected by the pension system because of the available social guarantees and all these legal and economic problems are connected to each other. Th e paper is based on both the Hungarian legal questions and some actual developments of the case law of the CJEU.
Authors and Affiliations
Henriett Rab, Márto Leó Zaccaria
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