Terminy dla realizacji uprawnień z tytułu rękojmi za wady prawne rzeczy sprzedanej – zmiany w wyniku nowelizacji dokonanej ustawą o prawach konsumenta
Journal Title: Studia Prawnicze. Rozprawy i Materiały - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue 1
Th e article addresses the issues concerning the periods for making a claim or exercising a right under the statutory warranty for legal defects following the Civil Code amendment introduced under the Consumer Rights Act of 30th May 2014. Prior to the Act’s entry into force the respective provisions were set out in Art. 576 of the Civil Code and Art. 10 of the Act on Detailed Conditions for Consumer Sales of 27th Jul, 2002 (which applied to business-to-consumer contracts). After the entry into force of the Consumer Rights Act, the related issues are comprehensively regulated under unified rules (with some distinctions in the case of consumer contracts) in the Civil Code, under the amended Art. 576. Th e article points out the differences between the previous and the new regulations.
Authors and Affiliations
Renata Więzowska-Czepiel
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