Candida Albicans Infection Masquerading as a Soft Tissue Tumour Diagnosed by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology
Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 7
A 60-year-old male, diabetic presented with a soft tissue mass over the right forearm of 15 days duration. The swelling was 5 x 3 cm and a clinical diagnosis of neurofibroma was made. Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) was done using standard technique. Smears showed predominantly suppurative inflammation, foreign body giant cells, granulomas and fungal hyphae. KOH mount, culture and germ tube test was positive. Final diagnosis of fungal granuloma was made. Fungal infections should be included in the differential diagnosis of a soft tissue mass lesion. All soft tissue suppurative inflammatory lesions should be diligently screened to look for pathogens if any. Diagnostics in medicine have taken a major leap with advent of molecular technologies. Despite this, simple old traditional methods like FNAC supplemented by other basic laboratory techniques like KOH mount and culture still form the cream of a diagnostic laboratory and can come as a savior for the pathologist, the clinicians and the patients.
Authors and Affiliations
Krishnappa Amita, Abhishek Mandya Govind, Tony Pechiat, Sanjay Manchaih, Shivshankar Vijay Shankar
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