Case report: The use of a urethral diverticulum to cover the penis in a hypospadias cripple

Journal Title: Pediatric Urology Case Reports - Year 2017, Vol 4, Issue 2


A boy presented as a hypospadias cripple, with anatomy that included a very large diverticulum and little residual external penile skin. The degree of excess skin-like tissue of the diverticulum was sufficient to enable eversion of the longitudinally incised diverticulum and formation of a urethra from the diverticular tissue at a second operation with ultimately an excellent result.

Authors and Affiliations

Paddy Dewan


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  • EP ID EP454421
  • DOI 10.14534/PUCR.2017225091
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How To Cite

Paddy Dewan (2017). Case report: The use of a urethral diverticulum to cover the penis in a hypospadias cripple. Pediatric Urology Case Reports, 4(2), 289-292.