Causative Microorganism for Sepsis in NICU
Introduction: As many as 2% of foetuses are infected in utero, and up to 10% of infants have infections in the 1st mo of life. Infections are a frequent and important cause of neonatal and infant morbidity and mortality. nosocomial infection rates are increasing with an incidence inversely proportional to the gestational ages of the infants populating the NICUs. Causative organisms, Group B Streptococci or Escherichia coli that are most likely acquired perinatally. The reported incidence of nosocomial sepsis in India ranges from 1.5-37%. Klebsiella emerging as an important cause of nosocomial sepsis. Outcome depends upon weight and marturity of neonate, type of etiologic agent, antibiotic sensitivity and adequacy of specific and supportive therapy. Material and Methods: All babies admitted in NICU showing clinical features of sepsis, in whom laboratory investigation support the diagnosis of sepsis. Study Period: January 2008 to October 2010.Study design: Observational study. Methods: Babies enrolled in the study were subjected to laboratory investigations Blood culture and Sensitivity was sent in all babies admitted and if sepsis was suspected. Conclusion: Total 1580 neonates were admitted during the study period. Out of these 223 were enrolled in study, Seven neonates were lost during follow up. Fifty neonates of neonatal infection died during the study period. Septic screen was positive in 91.92%, CRP (84.75%), blood culture ( 74.88%), meningitis(18.8%). Most common organism isolated was Klebsiella pneumoniae (28.7%) and least was streptococcus species (5.3%).Mortality due to neonatal sepsis was 24.4%.
Authors and Affiliations
Kiran B Bhaisare , Sunil S Holikar , L. S. Deshmukh
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