Cell selection with heavy metal ions for obtaining wheat and maize forms tolerant to osmotic stresses


Aim. The obtaining tolerant to salt and water stresses wheat and maize variants via cell selection with barium and cadmium heavy metal cations were the idea. Barium cations disrupt the cell potassium transport. Cadmium cations affect the dehydrins. The maintenance of these parameters under stress conditions provides the plant tolerance. Methods. Modified media for initial selection were developed by the supplement of the lethal doses of heavy metal ions. Wheat and maize suspension cultures were plated on selective media. The relative fresh biomass growth was the marker of variant stress tolerance. Results. Ba-resistant and Cd‑resistant plant cell lines were obtained. Those variants were tested under salinity and water stress pressure at lethal for wild type cells doses. Cell lines demonstrated the combined tolerance to abiotic stresses. Conclusions. The cell selection with heavy metal ions – is a new approach for isolation cell variants with higher levels of osmotic stresses tolerance. Keywords: cereals, osmotic stresses, cell selection with heavy metal ions, combined tolerance.

Authors and Affiliations

Л. Е. Сергеева, Л. И. Бронникова


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How To Cite

Л. Е. Сергеева, Л. И. Бронникова (2018). Cell selection with heavy metal ions for obtaining wheat and maize forms tolerant to osmotic stresses. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 22(), 318-322. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-618797