Cercetarea de suprafaţă din comuna Strunga (jud. Iași), punctul Dealul Pârjolita [Field investigation in the commune of Strunga (Iaşi county), at the point of Dealul Pârjolita]

Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2016, Vol 39, Issue 1


The field research at Strunga (Iași County) revealed a valuable archaeological complex dating from the 4th century AD which, in accordance with the discovered artifacts, belongs to the Sântana de Mureș – Černjakhov culture. The identification of a significant quantity of pottery fragments belonging to at least three types (after morphological features) and two different types of clay, and also of more than 100 human bone fragments alongside animal bones, leads to the hypothesis of a new necropolis, unknown until now, belonging to this cultural horizon well represented in the eastern area of the Carpathians.

Authors and Affiliations

Dan Aparaschivei, Sever-Petru Boţan, Ştefan Honcu, Angela Simalcsik


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Dan Aparaschivei, Sever-Petru Boţan, Ştefan Honcu, Angela Simalcsik (2016). Cercetarea de suprafaţă din comuna Strunga (jud. Iași), punctul Dealul Pârjolita [Field investigation in the commune of Strunga (Iaşi county), at the point of Dealul Pârjolita]. Arheologia Moldovei, 39(1), 277-289. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-461752