Observații antropologice în legătură cu complexul monahal de la Dumbrăveni, jud. Constanța
Journal Title: Arheologia Moldovei - Year 2017, Vol 40, Issue 1
The authors present their historical and anthropological observations concerning bone fragments belonging to a person buried in the 4th century AD in the monastical rupestral complex in Dumbraveni, Constanta county, in Dobruja (4th-6th century AD). It is believed that this person, buried inside the rupestral monastery is marked from an anthropological point of view by his natural and social environment. There are obvious resemblances with the burial rituals practiced in the Judaic desert.
Authors and Affiliations
Costel Chiriac, Angela Simalcsik
Considerații privind vesela de sticlă descoperită în cimitirele din satele Nemțișor și Târzia (jud. Neamț) [Considerations regarding the glassware discovered in the barrow cemeteries of Nemțisor and Târzia villages (Neamț county)]
This short contribution presents a number of 28 fragments of glass discovered in the barrow cemeteries at the Nemțișor and Târzia villages (Neamț County). As part of the funerary inventory in cremation burials these vess...
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PROF. EM. DR. DRES. H.C. BERNHARD HÄNSEL (24.05.1937 – 1.04.2017)
Obituaria. PROF. EM. DR. DRES. H.C. BERNHARD HÄNSEL (24.05.1937 – 1.04.2017)
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