Carnival topos masc in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and Geo Shkurupia
Doors in the day
The article is devoted to the study of the features of the mask topos in the novels of Witold
Gombrowich Ferdydurke and...
The author of the article revises the process of gradual deconstruction of soviet metanarrative
in literature of Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine after 1991st. Each of those literatures built its own
identity, which had to...
Reguły życia chrześcijan staroobrzędowców
Карнавальний топос маски у романах Вiтольда Гомбровича Фердидурке та Гео Шкурупiя Дверi в день
Carnival topos masc in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and Geo Shkurupia Doors in the day The article is devoted to the study of the features of the mask topos in the novels of Witold Gombrowich Ferdydurke and...
Кризис советского метанарратива (современная ситуация восточнославянских литератур)
The author of the article revises the process of gradual deconstruction of soviet metanarrative in literature of Russia, Belorussia and Ukraine after 1991st. Each of those literatures built its own identity, which had to...
Россия и Польша : (о книге В. В. Розанова "Война 1914 года и русскоe возрождениe")
Współczesna idea słowiańska w Rosji