From 20 to 27 August 2018, the International Slavic Congress took place in Belgrade. The pro-gram of the Commission held meetings that are accredited (affiliated) at the International Committee of Slavists. The congress...
The presence of the ancient Greek culture as a source of ethics and aesthetics in the life of a contemporary European is norm. The European art, including literature, has drawn inspiration from Greece for so many centuri...
Z problematyki ludowych pieśni żołnierskich
Комиссия Эмигрантологии Славян и Международный Конгресс Славистов в Белграде
From 20 to 27 August 2018, the International Slavic Congress took place in Belgrade. The pro-gram of the Commission held meetings that are accredited (affiliated) at the International Committee of Slavists. The congress...
Fenomen w „martwym lustrze”. Poezja Josifa Brodskiego w kontekście ewolucji sztuki europejskiej
The presence of the ancient Greek culture as a source of ethics and aesthetics in the life of a contemporary European is norm. The European art, including literature, has drawn inspiration from Greece for so many centuri...
Z węgiersko-polsko-białoruskich związków kulturalnych w XVI wieku : ("Athila" M. Oláha w przekładzie polskim i białoruskim)
Поэтика подтекста в драматургии М. Горького: пьеса Д ачники