Polish Studies in Russia have considerably increased their activity since the political transformations of the 1980s and 1990s, to the extent that can be compared to Russian Studies in Poland. The lack of censorship cons...
Abstract is dedicated to the historical and culturological analysis of the contemporary names of streets and squares of Lviv, occurred from well-known Poles’ surnames. Are examined 1189 names, from which 72% arose via tr...
Сербский эпос в Курсe славянских литератуp A. Мицкевичa : методологический аспект
Polonistyka rosyjska w pierwszej dekadzie XXI wieku (uwagi polskiego rusycysty)
Polish Studies in Russia have considerably increased their activity since the political transformations of the 1980s and 1990s, to the extent that can be compared to Russian Studies in Poland. The lack of censorship cons...
Sergiusz Kułakowski : popularyzator literatury polskiej w środowisku emigracji rosyjskiej
Pamięć miasta - elementy polskie w urbanonimii współczesnego Lwowa
Abstract is dedicated to the historical and culturological analysis of the contemporary names of streets and squares of Lviv, occurred from well-known Poles’ surnames. Are examined 1189 names, from which 72% arose via tr...
Экспрессивные наименования лиц иных национальностей в русском и польском языкax