The present paper is devoted to the phenomenon of disapproval as a speech act in contrastive Polish-Russian-English perspective. Special attention is paid to the utterances in which the speaker strengthens the speech act...
In the article we analyze proper nouns occurring in Evgeny Schwartz’s Дракон. A very important aspect which should be considered in the play’s translation is its intertextuality. The author refers to other works by takin...
The years 1907-1913 constitute the period of revival and development in Vilnius of the legal satirical and humorous press. It was connected with the political changes in Russia after issuing the Tsar Manifesto 17 (30) in...
EP ID EP646934
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How To Cite
Edward Skierzycki (2000). Экспрессивные наименования лиц иных национальностей в русском и польском языкax. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Польские антропонимы в ocмыслeнии о Белорусской и российской социальной реальности : (на материале CMИ на 1996-2001 гг.)
Sławomir Augusiewicz, Janusz Jasiński, Tadeusz Oracki, Wybitni Polacy w Królewcu. XVI -XX wiek, pod red. J. Jasińskiego, Littera, Olsztyn 2005, ss. 352.
Sposoby wzmocnienia aktu mowy dezaprobaty w języku polskim, rosyjskim i angielskim
The present paper is devoted to the phenomenon of disapproval as a speech act in contrastive Polish-Russian-English perspective. Special attention is paid to the utterances in which the speaker strengthens the speech act...
O nazwach własnych w polskim i angielskim przekładzie sztuki Дракон Eugeniusza Szwarca
In the article we analyze proper nouns occurring in Evgeny Schwartz’s Дракон. A very important aspect which should be considered in the play’s translation is its intertextuality. The author refers to other works by takin...
Humor polityczny na łamach wileńskich czasopism satyryczno-humorystycznych w latach 1907-1913
The years 1907-1913 constitute the period of revival and development in Vilnius of the legal satirical and humorous press. It was connected with the political changes in Russia after issuing the Tsar Manifesto 17 (30) in...