Challenging Behavior and Life Satisfaction of Mothers of Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities

Journal Title: Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 27


Life satisfaction is a subjective rate of one’s own life in reference to accepted standards. The article present researches aimed at the analysis of life satisfaction of mothers of children with disabilities in challenging behavior context. The study used two questionnaires: original „Assessment of challenging behaviors” and The Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS) adapted by Juczynski. The study was conducted among 60 mothers of children with disabilities. The result showed that express majority of women have a low or average level of life satisfaction. Statistical analysis showed that type of challenging behavior and economical situation of families varied the level of respondents’ life satisfaction.

Authors and Affiliations

Aneta Lew-Koralewicz


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How To Cite

Aneta Lew-Koralewicz (2018). Challenging Behavior and Life Satisfaction of Mothers of Children and Adolescents with Developmental Disabilities. Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania, 0(27), 54-65.