Changes in cellular factors of local immunity udder of cows with mastitis
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Гжицького - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 93
The immunological aspects of lactation of cows are investigated in this work. The authors present modern scientific data on the local immune protection of the mammary gland of cows. The purpose of the research was to improve the laboratory methods of diagnosis of mastitis and to study the cytological composition of the secretion of the breast of the cows for subclinical and purulent catarrhal inflammation of the udder. The cytological differentiation of milk cells was carried out according to its own developed, tested and patented method. Our experimental data convincingly confirm that in subclinical and purulent-catarrhal mastitis in cows there are significant changes in changes in the cytological composition and the system of local immune defense of the mammary gland. An important role in inflammation of the mammary gland is played by neutrophilic granulocytes that migrate to the parenchyma at the beginning of the clinical pathology (with subclinical inflammation) and release a range of inflammatory mediators in the inflammation zone. Subclinical mastitis of cows is accompanied by a sharp increase in the total somatic cells count in the secretion of the mammary gland. This is due to the activity of neutrophilic granulocytes, monocytes of histiocytes. Corresponding changes were found in the cytological balance of immunocompetent cells of the secretion of cows at from subclinical mastitis. The most significant shift was noted in the index of migratory activity of neutrophils (P < 0.01), which is a specific “indicator” indicator of inflammatory response in the body of diseased animals. Subclinical inflammation was also manifested by a decrease in the migration activity of lymphocytes. At purulent-catarrhal mastitis of cows there is a significant increase in the number of somatic cells. Also, the migration activity of neutrophils and histiocytes in the pathologic process zone is increasing and changes in the balance of immune cells are established. Thus, our experimental data convincingly confirm that in subclinical and purulent-catarrhal mastitis in cows there are significant changes in the system of local immune defense of the mammary gland. It has an important diagnostic value and also needs immunocorrection in the treatment process.
Authors and Affiliations
M. M. Zhelavskyi, O. Ya. Dmytriv, V. P. Mizyk
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