Changes of Body Mass Index and body composition of snowboarders due to their participation <br /> in 5-day snowboard training<br />

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 43


This research was to establish how body composition and body mass index of the snowboarders changed depending on the advancement of these sportsmen as a result of their participation in a 5-day training.The studies were conducted with the use of an electronic scale, the TBF-300P model by Tanita, during a winter camp of the students of Wrocław University School of Physical Education, which lasted 6 days (5 days of the training) in Zieleniec (900–950 m above sea level).The results of the conducted studies and the analysis revealed that the snowboard training during a 5-day camp caused changes to the BMI (increase) and particular elements of body composition in the analysed groups. The changes in the BMI had the same direction (increase) in the groups of a different level of advancement. Only in the group of the beginners these changes occurred to be statistically significant. In both groups the body mass increase was recorded along with the loss of the fat mass and the increase of the water volume in the body. Only the fat-free body mass increased in the group of the beginners, whereas in the snowboarding group this mass decreased.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kunysz , Beata Blachura


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How To Cite

Piotr Kunysz, Beata Blachura (2008). Changes of Body Mass Index and body composition of snowboarders due to their participation <br /> in 5-day snowboard training<br /> . Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 18(43), 51-58.