Characteristics of biomedical scientific production in Ica, Peru 1998-2007

Journal Title: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica - Year 2009, Vol 26, Issue 2


We performed a bibliometric study, searching for articles published by authors affiliated Ica, in indexed scientific journals, with the aim to know the biomedical scientific production in this Peruvian province during the decade from 1998 to 2007. We found 37 papers, most research in the public health area, ten of which were published in journals out of circulation. The most common affiliation of the authors is the Faculty of Sciences of the Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga (46.9%), while the faculties of medicine and nursing are those that occur less frequently (both 2.7%). It should enhance the scientific output of institutions in health sciences in the province of Ica, requiring more training and motivation to become a publishing culture in their students and professionals.

Authors and Affiliations

C. Arroyo-Hernández, E. Zukerán-Medina, Ubaldo Miranda-Soberón


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How To Cite

C. Arroyo-Hernández, E. Zukerán-Medina, Ubaldo Miranda-Soberón (2009). Characteristics of biomedical scientific production in Ica, Peru 1998-2007. Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica, 26(2), 203-6.