Characteristics of Chernigov’s population by the presentation data


Aim. The population of the world has a complex hierarchical population structure. At the heart of this hierarchy are elementary populations. Methods. Using the quasigenetic marker – surnames – the genetic indices of the population of the Chernihiv region of the rayon and oblast levels were obtained, comparing them with similar indices of the populations of the Poltava (central) and Odessa (borderline) populations. Results. The Chernihiv region is borderline, but the base indicator is an index of isonomy higher (I = 4.57 × 10-4) than in the border region of Odessa, and also more than in the central - Poltava population. The index of inbreeding in the Chernihiv population is Fst = 11.43 × 10-5. The indicator of migration efficiency was v = 17.37 × 10-4 and occupies an intermediate position between the Poltava and Odessa populations. The value of the index H as a whole for the region is 13.24, the index of redundancy of the distribution of names is R = 34.67. Conclusions. The study complements the picture of genetic peculiarity of Ukrainian populations. The genetic characteristics of the Chernihiv population, its difference from the previously studied central Poltava and border area of Odessa, are explained by the peculiarity of the location of the Chernihiv region, the features of the landscape, the other ethnic and civic belonging of the geographically contacting peoples. Keywords: quasigenetic markers, population, isonymy, inbreeding, migration.

Authors and Affiliations

М. Ю. Горпинченко, Л. О. Атраментова


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How To Cite

М. Ю. Горпинченко, Л. О. Атраментова (2018). Characteristics of Chernigov’s population by the presentation data. Фактори експериментальної еволюції організмів, 22(), 40-45.