Characteristics of the concept of «man» from the positions of the constitutional law
Journal Title: Наукові записки Інституту законодавства Верховної Ради України - Year 2019, Vol 1, Issue 3
The purpose of the article is to study the characteristics of the concept of «man» from the standpoint of constitutional law. Scientific novelty. The article defines the characteristics of the concept of «man» in constitutional law in the context of its direct and indirect influence on the constitutional and legal regulation and regulation of human rights, the transformation of the legal status of man and citizen and the legal status of a person in the conditions of the development of democratic legal statehood and civil society. The analysis of the term «man» in the constitutional law is carried out, using the dominant teleological, social and other characteristics. In particular, a person is investigated as a biological being and as an object of law (person and right). It is determined that in its unity the approaches to human understanding and its characteristics are investigated, they create a system of knowledge of the constitutional and legal reality, as well as determine the prospects for its further development and improvement under the influence of anthropocentrism, human dimension and understanding of humanity in the whole diversity of humanistic-legal issues. Conclusions. So, summing up the results of the study, it should be noted that the problem of «rights» in the constitutional law of the state has a decisive role, especially in the processes of institutionalization and constitution of democratic legal statehood. Therefore, in these circumstances, the legislator uses an individual-collective approach to resolving issues of the constitutional and legal status of a person and a citizen. In defining this status, the legislator takes into account both the biological characteristics of a human being that has an existential significance for it in the process of existence within the framework of human society and in the conditions of functioning of the state, as well as the corresponding positions, showing the relationship between rights with the right. It is within the limits of the right of a person that the regulatory opportunities for the realization of their attitudes, intentions, aspirations, needs, interests, and eventually recognized and legalized, protected, protected, guaranteed by the state at the level of its constitutional right are provided. Emphasis was placed on the existence of significant problems concerning the study of a person as an object of law.
Authors and Affiliations
B. Ya. Kofman
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