Charyzmat o. Jordana w świetle pneumatologii liturgicznej

Journal Title: Studia Salvatoriana Polonica - Year 2018, Vol 12, Issue


Holy Spirit leads the Church on the paths of the time bestowing it with different charismas. Charismas are the testimony of Triune God’s love for the Church, which by accepting them, grows as the Mystical Body of Christ. In the liturgy Holy Spirit nurtures the faith of God’s people and makes manifest the paschal mystery, enabling the faithful to accept various graces which bind them more closely with the work of redemption and qualify them for the service of brothers. The liturgy therefore, being the exercise of the priestly function of Christ, also has the charismatic character. It is in liturgy that the fullest building of the ecclesiastic community takes place. Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan (1848-1918) multiplied the heritage of the faith of the Church calling into being the religious community of Salvatorians. Basing the understanding and the practice of the Salvatorian charisma on the foundation of the word of God (J 17:3; Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15; Dn 12:3), he bore witness of life conforming to the divine will. The Church celebrates this truth in liturgy by the power of the Holy Spirit and becomes a community, which recognizes, accepts and adores Jesus Christ. Consequently, the actualization of Fr. Jordan’s charism takes place in liturgy and always finds its source and fulfilment in the paschal mystery.

Authors and Affiliations

Szymon Szepietowski


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How To Cite

Szymon Szepietowski (2018). Charyzmat o. Jordana w świetle pneumatologii liturgicznej. Studia Salvatoriana Polonica, 12(), 65-80.