Check jurisprudence - legal war crime, and corruption on earth, about the rights of Iran
Journal Title: Scientific Journal of Review - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 3
One of the offenses in the Iranian law and jurisprudence, of offenses against public peace and security, it is learned, is the enemy of God and corruption on earth, war, destruction and the means to achieve abstraction weapons to intimidate people and take away the security and They are comfortable, punish enemies of God, as much as religious, and as corruption on earth, according to the Penal Code, adopted in 2013, is independent and separable. Remarkably, duality and oneness, as the two issues are disputed by lawyers and jurists; documentary enemy, in verses 32 and 33 of Sura Maedeh, has been mentioned, as well as great scholars, in view of the provision stated in have.
Authors and Affiliations
S. Kheradmandy| Department of Law, Kermanshah Science and Research branch, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah, IRAN.
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