Chemical risk. Assessment and management
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2010, Vol 64, Issue 12
There has been a dramatic increase in the use of chemicals in recent years. Although we don’t think much about it, man-made chemicals are essential to almost everything we do. However, the public perception is that man-made chemicals are the source of every possible ill. Consequently, in spite of our limited knowledge of the hazards to humans associated with many substances, most governments in the developed world have developed legislation aimed to eliminate or at least to minimise any risks associated with production and use of chemicals. One of the tools for that is the risk assessment for human health, which is a process that combines available information on chemical toxicity and exposure to estimate the probability that someone will experience adverse health effects as a result of exposure to a chemical. The goal is to characterize health risks in an understandable way, so that decisions can be made about the public health significance of chemical exposures and the need for taking action to control concentration of chemicals. The risk assessment and any consequent risk management decisions need to take into account both the potential risks from use and the benefits which chemicals bring.
Authors and Affiliations
Stefan Zieliński
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