Children sexual abuse in Poland – study of 257 sexual offenders against minors
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2014, Vol 48, Issue 1
Introduction. Obtaining objective data on sexual offenders against minors is difficult. In order to enhance the possibilities to prevent such crimes it is essential to determine factors that condition this kind of sexual behavior. Aim: The aim of the study was to prepare a multidimensional analysis of a profile of sexual offenders against minors. Material and method. A detailed analysis of documentation from forensic sexological, psychiatric and psychological examinations and information from the records of the proceedings concerning 257 perpetrators was performed by the authors. Information analyzed included demographic data, psychosocial background, psychosexual development, recent sexual activity, physical and mental health issues and information concerning accused sexual crime. Results. The majority of the offenders had undisturbed family relations. However, subjects with sexual preference disorders perceived their parents’ relationship as worse, reported more difficulties in educational process and in relation to teachers and peers. 5.4% of subjects experienced sexual abuse and 23.3% physical violence in their childhood. The majority reported no sexual dysfunction and had regular but rare sexual activity. 20.6% were diagnosed as having mental disorder and 36.8% were alcohol abusers. Almost 30% were under influence of alcohol or another substance during the crime. The majority had no sexual preference disorder. Definite pedophilia was found in 27% and traits of psychosexual immaturity in 23.1% of cases. There was no relationship between sexual preference disorders and psychiatric comorbidity, alcohol or substance abuse. The acts of sexual abuse comprised genital touching, vaginal or oral intercourse as well as exposing offender’s or victim’s body. These acts were typically against one child, planned, being aware of victim’s age and using physical violence. Conclusions. The data from our research should be taken into account when planning therapeutic and preventive interventions.
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Heitzman, Michał Lew-Starowicz, Marek Pacholski, Zbigniew Lew-Starowicz
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