Choropampa case: Mercury spill and damage to health in rural exposed population.

Journal Title: Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica - Year 2009, Vol 26, Issue 1


In 2000, a spill of metallic mercury is evaporated into the atmosphere, and it affected the health of over a thousand peasants, who, eight years later, still are suffering the consequences on their health. Modern mining does not guarantee an adequate management, control and mitigation of environmental impacts and public authority does not grant the right to health of populations in environments which miners from the point of view of the right to environmental health should be sites considered hazardous to health.

Authors and Affiliations

Marco Arana-Zegarra


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How To Cite

Marco Arana-Zegarra (2009). Choropampa case: Mercury spill and damage to health in rural exposed population.. Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Publica, 26(1), 113-118.