Chronic abdominal pain in children


Except for infectious diseases abdominal pain is the most frequent complain in childhood. In this review functional abdominal pain is de-scribed which is defined as chronić pain not related to structural and biochemical disturbances accordingto Drosman. The cause is not clear. Publications point to disturbed bowel motor function, neural sensitivity or interactions between bowel neural system and central ne-rvous system. Sensitivity may be modulated in neural tracts and cortical analysis centers, where it can be attenuated or strengthened. According to Rome II Criteria there are 5 different diseases, where abdominal pain is the leading symptom. Functional dyspepsia presents with ulcer-like symptoms or reflux-like symptoms and disturbances similar as in bowel motor disorders. Typical symptoms in irritable bowel syndrome is recurrent abdominal pain with defecation disturbances (diarrhea or constipation). Strong abdominal pain located in the medial linę with accompanying other migraine symptoms is typical for abdominal migraine. Increased air volume in the bowel during the day with improvement of the symptoms during night-time are typical features for aerophagia. The functional abdominal pain syndrome presents with recurrent abdominal pain without any accompanying symptoms, which was a typical feature for other diseases. The therapeutical approach is based on explanation of the disease characteristic to the child and its parents, regular life-style, and only in some children pharmacotherapy has to be considered. In many patients psychological and psychiatrie consultation is needed.

Authors and Affiliations

Józef Ryżko


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Józef Ryżko (2006). Chronic abdominal pain in children. Pediatria Współczesna. Gastroenterologia, Hepatologia i Żywienie Dziecka, 8(2), 61-66.