Should specimens be collected on gastrofiberoscopy for histological evaluation in children?
Journal Title: Pediatria Współczesna. Gastroenterologia, Hepatologia i Żywienie Dziecka - Year 2007, Vol 9, Issue 2
Introduction: A lot of practitioners express their doubts as to the necessity of gastric mucosa histological examination sińce Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) eradication therapy without histological evaluation is also applied. Thus, there remain questions whether specimen collection on endoscopy is legitimate? And what histological evaluation gives us? Aim of study: Comparison of duodenal and gastric mucosa changes in children in endoscopic and histological evaluation. Material and methods: The analysis comprised 154 children, aged 5-18 years (mean 13.6±3.6); 99 with diagnosed H. pyloriinfection (H.p.+) on the basis of urease test, histological examination in staining by Ciemsa method and estimationof serum anti-H. pyloriantibodies, and 55 children with excluded H. pylori infection (H.p.-). Endoscopic and histological evaluation of gastric and duodenal mucosa was perfor-med and compliance of diagnoses was compared. Results: Endoscopic traits of infection were recognized: in prepyloric part of the stomach in 91%, in the body of the stomach in 81% and in the body of the duodenum in 64% of H.p.+ children. In the group of H.p.- children in 84%, 76% and 51%, respectively. Mucosa histological examination demonstrated chronić infection of different activity, in prepyloric part of the stomach in 88%, in stomach body in 70% and in duodenum in 60% of H.p.+ children in H.p.- children: in 36%, 13% and 58%, respectively. The compliance of diagnoses of mucosa infection on gastroduodenoscopy with histological evaluation of specimens was in prepyloric part - 66% (82% in H.p.+ group and 35% in H.p.- group; p
Authors and Affiliations
Leokadia Bąk-Romaniszyn, Andrzej Kulig, Izabela Płaneta-Małecka, Ewa Małecka-Panas
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