Chrzęstniakomięsaki krtani i zatoki szczękowej – przegląd literatury i opis trzech przypadków
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 63, Issue 3
Chondrosarcoma is a very rare neoplasm in the head and neck region. This region is associated with favourable prognosis. Only 340 cases of chondrosarcoma of the larynx and nearly 300 of sinus maxillaris have been reported in this localization. The most reasonable treatment is radical surgery. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy are of little value. Without metastasis the long term prognosis is excellent. Clinical, pathologic and radiologic characterities of these tumors are described and review of the literature is presented. The authors present two cases chondrosarcoma of the larynx and one case chondrosarcoma of sinus maxillaries.
Authors and Affiliations
Tatiana Gierek, Wojciech Smółka, Jarosław Paluch
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