Circulatory responses to propofol-ketamine combination compared to propofol alone for sedation during spinal anesthesia
Journal Title: Internet Journal of Medical Update - Year 2011, Vol 6, Issue 2
The present study was undertaken to establish the efficacy of low dose propofol-ketamine infusion in maintain¬ing hemodynamic stability when used for sedation as compared to propofol alone during spinal anesthesia. Sixty adult patients of either sex, belonging to ASA physical status I and II undergoing urological procedures were studied in a randomized manner. After administering spinal anesthesia with 0.5% bupivacaine, patients were assigned to two groups of 30 patients each. Group I (propofol-ketamine combination) received intial loading dose of propofol and ketamine followed by a continuous infusion of low dose propofol and keta¬mine whereas group II (propofol alone) received a bolus dose of propofol followed by a continuous infusion of propofol only. Hemodynamic parameters like heart rate, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure and sedation scores rated on a five point scale were recorded at baseline and at the predetermined intervals of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 minutes after spinal anesthesia. It was found that heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure was significantly higher in group I patients at various intervals as compared to group II patients, however sedation scores revealed no significant difference at different time intervals between the two groups. In conclusion propofol-ketamine combination was found to confer hemodynamic stability during spinal anesthesia as compared to propofol alone.
Authors and Affiliations
Showkat Nengroo, Abdul Lone, Imtiaz Naqash
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