Clinical and «Clip on» thinking at different training stages according to «General practice – family medicine» specialty
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 1
There was carried out an anonymous questioning– a survey of 6th-year students who received an internship assignment in the specialty «General Practice – Family Medicine», interns and students doing courses in the same specialty in order to diagnose the presence of «clip-on» thinking. M.B. Litvinova test method which is characterized by criterial and categorical validity and corresponds to reliability criterion was used. «Clip on» thinking was diagnosed in 36.5% of the surveyed students on training a budgetary basis and 37.8% of students studying on a contract basis, plus 38.5% of them were at risk. At the stage of postgraduate education (internship training), the percentage of «screen people» (with «clip» type of thinking) was significantly lower, but at the same time the share of the risk group on formation of a «clip» type of thinking was increased. The predominant increase in «people of the book» («long» thinking) among physicians with a certain length of service mainly is due to their age characteristics. Modern medical postgraduate education requires the formation of a qualitatively new approach to the educational process, based on the formation and development of clinical thinking, taking into account psychological characteristics of the modern youth and older colleagues. This phenomenon requires detailed social, andragogical and medical research, the creation of new educational technologies based on «live» communication.
Authors and Affiliations
V. V. Yekhalov, O. I. Gayduk, A. P. Kuz'mina, T. A. Gayduk
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