Clinical experience in the application of allogenic grafts from a bone tissue bank in the surgical treatment of tumor-like bone lesions
Journal Title: Ortopedia Traumatologia Rehabilitacja - Year 2005, Vol 7, Issue 5
Background. The objective of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the surgical treatment of bony tumor-like lesions using bone allografts.Material and methods. The study group consisted of 266 patients, 136 males and 90 females, ranging in age from 9 to 55 years (mean 29). From 1999 to 2004, 250 surgical operations were performed, including resection of osteolytic bone tumor and filling of the bone defect with an allogenic bone graft. The results of histopathological examinations confirmed the presence of tumor-like lesions in all cases. The follow-up period was from 6 months to 4 years, with a mean period of 18 months.Results. The results were analyzed based on clinical examinations and x-rays enabling the evaluation of the bone remodeling process. In 208 patients (92%), no recurrence was observed. In an other 18 patients (8 with dysplasia fibrosa, 5 with aneurysmal bone cyst, 3 with solitary bone cyst, 2 with defectus fibrosus), 50 surgical operations were performed due to multiple recurrences of the tumor.Conclusions. A very good outcome was achieved by treating tumor-like bone lesions using allogenic bone grafts. The advantages of surgical treatment are the possibility of radical and complete resection of the lesion and histopathological evaluation of tissue samples shortly afterwards. Large and thorough resection ensures good treatment outcome.
Authors and Affiliations
Patryk Tomasik, Jerzy Spindel, Bogdan Koczy, Adam Chrobok, Tomasz Mrożek, Jacek Matysiakiewicz, Leszek Miszczyk
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