“Clinical profile of Typhoid fever in children aged between 6 months to 18 years: A study in a tertiary care hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh”
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 11
This cross sectional study was carried out the in Pediatric & Medicine wards of Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH), Chittagong during the period of July 2012 to June 2013, aims to describe clinical profile of typhoid fever in children admitted in a tertiary care hospital, Chittagong, Bangladesh. We conducted this study with a total number of 150 suspected cases of typhoid fever (age >6 months to18years) admitted in the above mentioned hospitals and enrolled in this study maintaining inclusion criteria. Majority (56.7%) of the patient’s age belonged to 1-5 years and male to female ratio was 1.2:1. More than a half (56.0%) of the patients came from rural area. Most (62.7%) of the patients suffered from fever for ≤5 days, 50.7% had change of bowel habit, 38.7% had abdominal pain, 26.0% had diarrhea and 18.7% had constipation. One third (33.3%) of the patients had tongue coating, 19.3% had palpable liver, 7.3% had palpable spleen and only0.7% had caecal gurgling. The mean Hb was found 10.78±1.55 g/dl, TC 13018.44±6510.33/cumm, N was 67.78±15.61% L was 27.59±15.24% M was 2.57±0.93 %, E was 1.68±0.87 % and B was 0.31±0.54 %. Blood Culture for Salmonella typhi was found positive in 16(10.7%) patients out of which only 1(6.25%) received typhoid vaccination. Antibiotic Sensitivity among culture positive patients revealed that, Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone and Imipenem were 100% sensitive followed by Cefixime 68.8%, Nalidixic acid 56.3%, & Chloramphenicol 38.35%. Almost a half (47.3%) of the patients received pre admission antibiotic and among culture positive patients 07(43.8%) received antibiotic during pre admission period. In the conclusion, we can say that clinical profile can guide treatment of febrile patients and provide a good knowledge about specific disease patterns.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Zabeen Choudhury, Dr. Shanjana Islam, Dr A M M Minhazur Rahman
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