Clinicoetiologic investigations on superficial mycoses of Warangal (A.P) India
Journal Title: Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 0
Objective: To study the clinical manifestations and etiological agents of superficial mycosis and to investigate their relationship in superficial mycosis occurring in Warangal, A.P. India. Methods: The present study was conducted on 400 clinically diagnosed patients with dermatophytoses. Three different types of samples viz. skin scrapings, hair samples and nail clippings were collected for examinations. The samples were processed for microscopic examination, histological study and culturing of etiological agent. The incidence of various dermatophytic species in relation to clinical types was recorded. Results: Among different clinical types, tinea corporis was most common. The most frequently isolated dermatophytes were Trichophyton species which were isolated from all the three samples i.e. skin, hair and nail. A majority of the diagnosed patients showed erythematous, scaly annular lesions with raised and inflammatory borders with itching. Mixed infections, which constituted about 3.5%, were a combination of tinea corporis and tinea cruris. Either individually or in mixed infections, these two infections are caused by Trichophyton species. Tinea capitis infections which include ectothrix and endothrix are caused by species of Microsporum and Trichophyton. Conclusions: The investigations reveal that superficial mycoses are very common in this region. Tinea corporis is the most common clinical manifestation. Majority of the infections are caused by Trichophyton species. Mixed infections constituted a small proportion.
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